Welcome to my Soulo Journey

Welcome to my Soulo Journey.
Here is where I share my SoulArt while Caravan'ing through the Desert of the Page to the Oasis of Creativity.
You are welcome to share and leave a note under a nearby palm for me to find.
Blessing on your Journey also.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

AJC 2011 Itinerary 30: For Norway: We Grieve With You

Norway: We Grieve With You

(*Kram* to Bitte) who being in Sweden feels this horrendous event even more intensely than we do on the other side of the world.
For me it only intensifies my resolve to keep on maintaining global friendships.
And a BIG HUG of Support to my former GP Dr.Karen Nordahl.
Grief Shared is Grief Halved.

Credits and Kits:
Gesso Texture frame: Tangie's AJC11 Parcel 30
Norway Flag: c/r free the net
Norway Fjord Background photo: c/r free the net
Crumpled Paper Background: Bkerr WorldTraveler Kit

Saturday, July 16, 2011

AJC 2011 Itinerary 29: SCENTEZ! (Smell) or SANTE! (To Your Health!)

AJC2011 Itinerary 29: SCENTEZ! (Smell) SANTE! (To Your Health!)

Though the two words Scentez and Sante are spelled differently, they are close enough in sound to make a delightful pun in French.
Our local Damali Lavender Farm is selling Lavender Wine this year, which I suppose would combine the two, especially if you raise a glass of the stuff to your nearest and dearest (we don’t imbibe so we’ll never know, but we will take their word for it)

As every Gardener knows (nose – sorry couldn’t resist) the most wonderful thing about being in the Garden, is simply breathing in all those HEALTHY SMELLS, especially after a summer rain has just passed on through, (and ignoring the rather heady aroma of fresh sprayed manure from the farm next door!)

Speaking of rain, it has been a real race around here to get my lavender in before getting soaked with the next downpour.
Knowing that I could use a little help, Sophie and Kevin joyfully volunteered.
Sophie found her panniers and with a little bit of struggle (she had gained a few pounds with all that fabulous food in Monte Carlo) I managed to get them fastened around her belly and over her hump.
Her Famous Tilley Hat was found under the bed and after it was dusted off, a sprig of lavender was attached and there she was - all set to go out and impress the neighbours with her Lavender Harvesting skills.
Kevin hopped on her hat and together the two of them wandered up the terraces behind our house.
Through the open window I could hear Kevin saying, “Sophie, NO, you can’t EAT those; Those go IN the PANNIERS!”
I fear I may not get as much lavender as I did last year, but Sophie was so set upon helping me, that I don’t have the heart to refuse her.
I just hope Kevin can keep her in line and that the panniers will be ‘mostly’ full, rather than her tummy.

Credits and Kits:
Light and Dark Green Background papers: Tangle’s Spring Field Notes
Window Frame: AJC11 Parcel 20
Bottle: AJC11 Parcel 29
Font: Tangle’s Duchess
Photos of Lavender: mine
Panniers: mine

Thursday, July 14, 2011

AJC 2011 Itinerary 28: We Dance to REMEMBER and Not to FORGET

AJC2011 Itinerary 28: We dance to Remember and not to FORGET.
Fresh from their time travels to Monte Carlo and flush with their winnings at the Tables, Sophie and Kevin treated us to a night out at the Royal Theatre in Victoria.
Who would have thought that Flamenco would find a home here on our small island, so far from Spain? But it did, and for 20 years, it has flourished magnificently.
The title of the Performance was ‘Recuerdos’ or Memories and talk about being perfect for this week’s posting!
The song ‘Hotel California’ cover done by the Gypsy Kings was playing in my head while putting this together (probably because Sophie was yodeling it and Kevin was chiming in on the chorus, ‘welcome to the Hotel California, such a lovely place’) and I remembered the Henley lyrics: ‘some dance to remember, some dance to forget’.

In this case, they Danced to Remember Harry Owen, who with his wife Veronica started Alma De Espana company and (sadly for us) passed away last year.

A very apt Spanish proverb was quoted at the start of the Recuerdos:
‘In Joy There Is Sadness and In Sadness There is Joy.’
That being said, we go forward –
Credit and Kits:
Flamenco Dancer: personal stash
Flamenco Dancer Shadow Paper – Tangie’s AJC11 Parcel 13
Font: Tangie’s Duchess
Background Stage: Royal Theatre before performance started (mine)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

AJC 2011 Itinerary 27: We OBSERVEd and Celebrated 2 Great Dates!

AJC 2011 Itinerary 27: We OBSERVed and Celebrated 2 Great Dates!
My good friend Felicity not only celebrates her Birthday on July 4th, (As a Canadian, I’m sure she was ribbed about that date a lot in school); she also chose to be married on that date as well! As she puts it, ‘it was the best birthday present her husband could give her!’ and I suspect a date he would be hard pressed to forget!
Coupled with the July 1st Canada Day celebration, it makes for a nice long weekend and a terrific excuse for Good Party!
Happy 2nd Anni-Birthary! to my dear friend Felicity and husband Ken.
Hugs from Sophie, me and Mr. Bear.

Credits and Kits:
Hanging Rope Picture Frame: AJC11 Parcel 27
Background Red Paper: AJC Parcel 03
Sparkler Photo: mine © LadyNorth July 4 2011
Font: Antique Type

Friday, July 1, 2011

AJC 2011 Itinerary 26: oh i DO love to be beside the seaside...

AJC Itinerary 26: oh! I DO love to be beside the Seaside..

While sitting around the campfire, Sophie had been regaling Kevin with her tales of travels using Mr. Wells Time Machine, to which Kevin had remarked rather wistfully that he always wanted to visit Monte Carlo in the 1900’s and began to sing.
“As I walk along the Bois Boolong
With an independent air
You can hear the girls declare
"He must be a Millionaire."
You can hear them sigh and wish to die,
You can see them wink the other eye
At the man who broke the bank at Monte Carlo.”

Sophie was entranced and decided as soon as they got home, she would drag out the Time Machine and together they would go to Monte Carlo and have Kevin try his luck at the Tables.

With much whirring and clanking, (I really must have that looked at, thought Sophie) Mr. Wells trusty Time Machine deposited them safely beachside.
The first person to greet them was Ollie the 9 Armed Octopus and bon vivant, who sold balloons on the Promenade and at night, was a respected dealer and croupier at La Casino Del Mar, (one of the swankier casinos where he could deal blackjack at 8 tables at once while keeping one arm free for swindlers and pickpockets – no one was ever robbed at his tables!)
Ollie told them about ‘Sideways Syd’ (nice feller, bit of a flounder, has trouble swimming regular like, so he does it sideways) who had Snorkeling Gear for sale or rent and would fix them up ‘special’, “just say Ollie sent you.”.
True to his word Syd did ‘fix them up special’ (though he was rather taken aback at how to accommodate both Camel and Kiwi until he hit upon the idea of them sharing the same tank.
Here is a page from Sophie’s Scrapbook of her Monte Carlo Adventure with Kevin.

Credits and Kit:
For the most part, all Elements, Papers, Sea Creatures, Bubbles, Abalone and Gold Alpha from the Amazing kit: STEAMPUNK MARINE brought to us by the Letters R and T
(that Creative Team of Rebecca and Tangie)
Additional font: Tangie’s Tweedledee (I honestly never get tired of using it)
Balloon font: Ballonist
Blue Background paper: AJC11 – Parcel 03
Sand Background: DSA2