Welcome to my Soulo Journey

Welcome to my Soulo Journey.
Here is where I share my SoulArt while Caravan'ing through the Desert of the Page to the Oasis of Creativity.
You are welcome to share and leave a note under a nearby palm for me to find.
Blessing on your Journey also.

Friday, August 19, 2011

AJC 2011 August Adventure Quest: Self Portrait

August Adventure Quest: Self Portrait
or...Me and My Shadows..(g)

My Shadow photo taken by Mr Bear
Forest photo of me: taken by Mr Bear
Sophie and Kevin snuck in their own shadows when I wasn't looking.
Background paper: Tangie's Field Notes (Spring)
Font: Smartypants

AJC 2011 Itinerary 33: LIGHT

AJC2011- Itinerary 33 – LIGHT- Chiaroscuro
Behind Every Shadow Shines A Light.
Here where I live, surrounded by forests, mountain and sea, the taste of each new day comes through the open window or door – even the Light has a taste all its own.
(This piece of purply prose is entirely my own -
Blame it on reading and re reading anything 'tuscany' by Frances Mayes!)

I had wanted to do a very simple page but as usual my Imagination and Love for Obscure phrases came to the fore - I fell in love with the sound of 'chiaroscuro' even before I knew its definition.

How does one capture the Light?

Credits and Kits:
Background Papers: AJC11 Parcel 32 – COLLECT
Light Flare (upper right corner of photo) AJC11 Parcel 33 – LIGHT
Oval Frame: AJC11 Parcel 32 – Collect
Photo: Light pattern from the overhanging firs: mine
Chiaroscuro Font: Francisco Lucas Briosa

AJC 2011 Itinerary 32: Trying Hard to COLLECT Myself..

AJC11 Itinerary 32: Trying Hard To COLLECT Myself
I spent the better part of the week recovering and restoring my files and software programs from a Hard Drive Crash, so this week’s verb shall we say, was Rather APT?! (TG For Daily Backups!)
Poor Sophie! She saw me falling to bits and was puzzling out how to put me back together while Kevin the Kiwi (bless his socks) took matters into his own beak (so to speak) and went (via Mr Wells Time Machine) back to Ancient Greece to appeal to Hermes (God Of All Things Computer) for his assistance. Unfortunately some idiot had stuck a slug in the Tokens slot and try as he might, Kevin could not budge it with his beak.

Not to worry, when Kevin returned, he found that Sophie and Mr Bear had put me back together again, just in time for me to upload this Page of this week's adventures to the AJC.
(Thanks to all my wonderful commenters on this post for your sympathy and support, especially those who have 'been there'. Long Live Our Respective Hard Drives!)
Credits and Kits:
All elements and papers are from Tangie and Ztampf’s AJC11 Parcel 32 except the Following:
Pieces of Me (me)
Shrine of Hermes: Shrine from AJC11 Parcel 31: GrabBag
Hermes and This Way Up: AJC11 Parcel 19: MAP
FONTS: Tangie’s Tweedledee, TigerLily and my own.

AJC 2011 Itinerary 31: ORGANIZE?

AJC 2011 Itinerary 31: ORGANIZE? or SomeWhere In All This Mess...
or Somewhere in THIS MESS is my DINING ROOM TABLE!!
Sophie and Kevin face a Daunting Task – An Archeological Expedition to Unearth the Dining Room Table.
Will they return?
Shall I have to send out a Search Party?
What do you think Dear Readers?
Credits and Kits:
Background Paper– Tangie’s As If By Magic
Sophie’s Glasses: Tangie’s Fan For Life.
Green Thought Bubble: Tangie’s AJC11 Parcel 31GrabBag: Sewdoodly
Fonts: Tangie's fivesevenandtwo, TigerLily
Photo: current state of my dining room table