Welcome to my Soulo Journey

Welcome to my Soulo Journey.
Here is where I share my SoulArt while Caravan'ing through the Desert of the Page to the Oasis of Creativity.
You are welcome to share and leave a note under a nearby palm for me to find.
Blessing on your Journey also.

Friday, March 25, 2011

AJC 2011 INTINERARY 12 Verb: Accomplish

AJC 2011 INTINERARY 12 Verb: Accomplish

Sometimes I feel that the BEST DARN THING
Is to exchange my SLIPPERS for SLOGGERS
Wander OUTSIDE and pick a few flowers.
Sophie: Never mind ‘pick’ that should be EAT! a few flowers!
Credits and Kits:
Fonts: Tangie’s Tweedledee and my own
The A in Accomplish: AJC11 Parcel 12 – Journaling Lines
Journaling Lines: AJC11 Parcel 12
Background floral paper: AJC11 Parcel 11 – Being Me
Tape: Tangie’s Tape Bliss kit
Slippers to Sloggers: photo of me feet

1 comment:

  1. Well, if you're going to pick them, at least leave a couple for Sophie! A girl has to keep up her figure.


Here under the Sheltering Palm, may you find parchment, fresh quill and ink. Scrawl a note and leave it there for me to find. Thank you and a Blessed Journey to you also.