Welcome to my Soulo Journey

Welcome to my Soulo Journey.
Here is where I share my SoulArt while Caravan'ing through the Desert of the Page to the Oasis of Creativity.
You are welcome to share and leave a note under a nearby palm for me to find.
Blessing on your Journey also.

Monday, January 3, 2011

AJC Adventure Quest:: 2011 - 1 Word

My word for this year is BREAK THROUGH!

Here Sophie is nosing her way through the Portal of the Year (she has found an Opening) and off we go, into another land bathed in sunshine.
TTJ! (to the Journey!)

1 comment:

  1. Love the portal! I'm a Star Trek fan from way back, and those portals always promised a good story. Your camel's saddle is wonderful!


Here under the Sheltering Palm, may you find parchment, fresh quill and ink. Scrawl a note and leave it there for me to find. Thank you and a Blessed Journey to you also.