Welcome to my Soulo Journey

Welcome to my Soulo Journey.
Here is where I share my SoulArt while Caravan'ing through the Desert of the Page to the Oasis of Creativity.
You are welcome to share and leave a note under a nearby palm for me to find.
Blessing on your Journey also.

Friday, July 1, 2011

AJC 2011 Itinerary 26: oh i DO love to be beside the seaside...

AJC Itinerary 26: oh! I DO love to be beside the Seaside..

While sitting around the campfire, Sophie had been regaling Kevin with her tales of travels using Mr. Wells Time Machine, to which Kevin had remarked rather wistfully that he always wanted to visit Monte Carlo in the 1900’s and began to sing.
“As I walk along the Bois Boolong
With an independent air
You can hear the girls declare
"He must be a Millionaire."
You can hear them sigh and wish to die,
You can see them wink the other eye
At the man who broke the bank at Monte Carlo.”

Sophie was entranced and decided as soon as they got home, she would drag out the Time Machine and together they would go to Monte Carlo and have Kevin try his luck at the Tables.

With much whirring and clanking, (I really must have that looked at, thought Sophie) Mr. Wells trusty Time Machine deposited them safely beachside.
The first person to greet them was Ollie the 9 Armed Octopus and bon vivant, who sold balloons on the Promenade and at night, was a respected dealer and croupier at La Casino Del Mar, (one of the swankier casinos where he could deal blackjack at 8 tables at once while keeping one arm free for swindlers and pickpockets – no one was ever robbed at his tables!)
Ollie told them about ‘Sideways Syd’ (nice feller, bit of a flounder, has trouble swimming regular like, so he does it sideways) who had Snorkeling Gear for sale or rent and would fix them up ‘special’, “just say Ollie sent you.”.
True to his word Syd did ‘fix them up special’ (though he was rather taken aback at how to accommodate both Camel and Kiwi until he hit upon the idea of them sharing the same tank.
Here is a page from Sophie’s Scrapbook of her Monte Carlo Adventure with Kevin.

Credits and Kit:
For the most part, all Elements, Papers, Sea Creatures, Bubbles, Abalone and Gold Alpha from the Amazing kit: STEAMPUNK MARINE brought to us by the Letters R and T
(that Creative Team of Rebecca and Tangie)
Additional font: Tangie’s Tweedledee (I honestly never get tired of using it)
Balloon font: Ballonist
Blue Background paper: AJC11 – Parcel 03
Sand Background: DSA2

1 comment:

  1. That Sophie! She has the most interesting travels. I think this one truly takes the cake, though. Well, not cake. I guess it would be spongecake under the sea. I am so happy Kevin is still there to listen and experience her tales.


Here under the Sheltering Palm, may you find parchment, fresh quill and ink. Scrawl a note and leave it there for me to find. Thank you and a Blessed Journey to you also.