A few months ago I received this very mysterious 'secret squirrel' type private message on the AJC forum from Annie and Tangie (the AJC Tour Guide):
"A Request of Most Importance and TOP Secrecy!"
asking me (ME?!) if I would like to contribute an article with accompanying 4 layouts (they would choose 2) for the upcoming June Travel edition of the Artisan Guild Notebook?!
After a few 'are you sure you read that correctly' minutes and checking to see that it had been addressed to the right person, (as I have read and viewed the awesome and amazing digital artwork in that ezine!) I took a deep breath, swallowed the rest of my coffee and sent a 'sure I'll do that' reply back.
Then the panic really began.
For my article, I wrote, deleted, wrote some more, deleted, all the the time figuring that it wouldn't matter how much I wrote, they could just chop it down.
Well, IMAGINE my surprise, when they didn't, but published every darn word, including my punctuation typos! (lol)
So without further ado..
page1myarticle and page2myarticle
Considering the very talented contributors not only in the e-zine, but on the Caravan itself like SparklyDuck who was also chosen;
Sophie and I are very humbled and honoured to invited to share our Journey with you.
I see how it is now. Sophie was keeping secrets! I thought I saw the look of a spy in her eye.