I suppose it doesn’t help matters when a Certain Curious Cowichan Camel named Sophie constantly opened the oven door,
‘just to check on things’..
We now know, that opening oven doors on a Rising Chocolate Souffle cake is NOT a Good Thing To Do!
And of course, she would pick the day to do it when I had invited the Bridge Club over for a game.
Sophie by way of apology, rescued the situation by finding the recipe for FALLEN Chocolate Souffle cake.
We called it that, sliced it up, and the Bridge Club never knew. (shhh don’t tell)
Credits and Kits:
Tangie’s AJC11 Parcel 21 – Background Papers, 8 of Spades, HourGlass, Measure(wordart).
Fonts: Tangie’s Mockturtle, Tribalations and Tweedledee
Sophie’s chef hat, fallen chocolate soufflé cake, and olive pits: c/o the net.
Idea to Open The Oven Door: Sophie’s
Sophie always saves the day. She is a one-of-a-kind camel!