(or There Goes the Week That Was...)
Off the beaten track, In a little cottage on the edge of the Forest, lives a very Wise Woman who is Never Wrong! Her unique deck of cards tell only your Past - never your Future; hence she is always right and gifted with 20/20 hindsight.
(Sophie liked her spongecake which is why I think we went there in the first place.)
Here is my First Week laid out on top of the Wise Woman's Multi-hued quilted table cloth.
(Since I realize that those cards are tiny: I made them ATC size: here are the words so you don't have to hunt for your specs.)
1A -AMAZING - how things work out when Acceptance is allowed to happen. (we tried to arrange to meet up with cousins - 'nuf said)
2B - BRIGHTLY glowed the candles lit at Brighid's Well Ireland (My friend Carmel and friends trudged through the Rath Lugh Forest and lit tea lights in the trees and around the well head to honour Brighid and Her Day)
3C - Today I am CREATIVE, CRABBY, CRANKY and CONFUSED photo linking SBG Threads.
4D - I am DETERMINED to conquer SBG photo linking threads. DIZZY with excitement, I think I did it!
5E - Today I feel EARTHY and EXULTANT! My seeds and beans successfully sprouted and have 'bean' green housed.
6F - My cousins and I were FESTIVE at our FLAKY Un-Birthday Party!
Credits and Kits used:
Tangie Baxter: Parcel AJC11 Beginning, Parcel 48, Parcel 51, Tribalations elements.
Background: Quickity Split paper and border
Fonts: Tangie's Mad Hatter from Tribalations and Apple Boy BTN
Photos: mine except for Brighid's Day (Brighid's Well candle lit taken by Carmel Diviney (Ireland)
Off the beaten track, In a little cottage on the edge of the Forest, lives a very Wise Woman who is Never Wrong! Her unique deck of cards tell only your Past - never your Future; hence she is always right and gifted with 20/20 hindsight.
(Sophie liked her spongecake which is why I think we went there in the first place.)
Here is my First Week laid out on top of the Wise Woman's Multi-hued quilted table cloth.
(Since I realize that those cards are tiny: I made them ATC size: here are the words so you don't have to hunt for your specs.)
1A -AMAZING - how things work out when Acceptance is allowed to happen. (we tried to arrange to meet up with cousins - 'nuf said)
2B - BRIGHTLY glowed the candles lit at Brighid's Well Ireland (My friend Carmel and friends trudged through the Rath Lugh Forest and lit tea lights in the trees and around the well head to honour Brighid and Her Day)
3C - Today I am CREATIVE, CRABBY, CRANKY and CONFUSED photo linking SBG Threads.
4D - I am DETERMINED to conquer SBG photo linking threads. DIZZY with excitement, I think I did it!
5E - Today I feel EARTHY and EXULTANT! My seeds and beans successfully sprouted and have 'bean' green housed.
6F - My cousins and I were FESTIVE at our FLAKY Un-Birthday Party!
Credits and Kits used:
Tangie Baxter: Parcel AJC11 Beginning, Parcel 48, Parcel 51, Tribalations elements.
Background: Quickity Split paper and border
Fonts: Tangie's Mad Hatter from Tribalations and Apple Boy BTN
Photos: mine except for Brighid's Day (Brighid's Well candle lit taken by Carmel Diviney (Ireland)
I panicked for a minute. I couldn't find Sophie, but then I spotted her. Her legs are hiding. She must be laying down after eating all that spongecake.