Welcome to my Soulo Journey
Here is where I share my SoulArt while Caravan'ing through the Desert of the Page to the Oasis of Creativity.
You are welcome to share and leave a note under a nearby palm for me to find.
Blessing on your Journey also.
Friday, January 28, 2011
To my Faithful Readers - Please note..
Not to panic - I moved those Non AJC Other Pages over to the Herebedreams site.
Kindly click on the 'Off The Beaten Path' banner and it will take you straight there.
I am going to make this Blog, AJC Specific, just for ease of filing and record keeping at which I am notorious at NOT doing!
Blessings on those who are filing at this moment.
AJC 2011 Week 5 - Itinerary: Verb : Pause
Remember that commercial: The Pause That Refreshes?
Trying to remember to Breathe this week!
Blessings of the calming breath to all who read this.
Shanti (which is 'Peace be Upon you')
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
AJC 2011 Week 4 - Itinerary: Verb : Stretch
Allongement - Stretch Your Heart
"Today, see if you can stretch your heart and expand your love so that it touches not only those to whom you can give it easily, but also to those who need it so much." ~Author Unknown
(I LOVED this quote and used it to make the white ripples on the skirt with Tangie's MadHatter Font)
Quote from Tangie's Wk 4 (Thank you)
Elements, Background papers, heart, wings (coloured and 3'd by me) Tangie Parcel 48 (love that one!) and AJC11 Beginning Parcel.
Tassels: DSA2 embellishment
Sophie Dancer's Belt created by me: AJC11 Beginning Parcel
Photo of me Str-e-t-ch-ing taken by Mr Bear
AJC 2011 Week 4 - Itinerary: Simply Started: I Tiptoed
(Not wanting to wake you)
I tiptoed..
Through The Forest Of Your Dreaming Heart
To Gaze Upon The Pool Of Our Love.
(poemfragment LN)
Ticket- AJC11 Parcel 01
Border- Tangie Quickitysplit Vol 1
Created Border:Quickitysplitprint Vol 1
Weathered Picture Frame: Bkerr: December Morning
Maxfiedl Parrish Enchanted Prince: c/r free Dover Publications
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Gems of Virtue: Maryam and Nicolai
The Story Thus Far:
The following was found in the back of the old framed photochrome that belonged to Great-Aunt "Granty" Miriam (Maryam) and in a secret compartment of her battered Steamer Trunk.

(who was he? as far as we know Granty never married and last we heard was a professed Orthodox Nun who died in a Beirut convent),
some photographs,
an orange blossom botanical card,
a bar of orange oil soap still in its wrapper,
dried orange peel
an Eastern Orthodox 'lestovka or Ladder to Heaven',
and most surprising of all, cut and polished rubies, citrines, emeralds and amethysts.
(These were secreted in the bar of orange oil soap and it was only when I unwrapped it and bits of the soap fell away, that the gems were exposed)

* Note to my faithful readers: (all 7 of you ) This is a A Story..I wish to heaven I had a real Granty Maryam who left me all those gems... But just in case you thought the Story was Real..it's only real between my heart and head. (If you believed it true, then I offer my sincere apologies but even so, believing in my tale is the best compliment any StoryTeller could ever hope to have.)
Monday, January 17, 2011
Artspiration Challenge #63 - Life's A Bicycle...
It so reminded me of my trip to France May 96 where on my way to the airport, my friend Vicki stopped at this small out of the way Chapel: Notre Dame Des Cyclistes - yes that's right, A Chapel Dedicated To Cycling!

From Wikipedia:
'The chapel includes a stained glass window designed and created by Henri Anglade, a former rider of the Tour de France, to represent cycling. It was reportedly intended to celebrate a thaw in the intense rivalry between Fausto Coppi and Gino Bartali, as they shared a bottle (bidon) on the Col d'Izoard during the 1952 Tour de France.'
Location finder: Tangie Baxter Field Notes (Spring)
Photos: Poppyfield, Gates, Stained Glass window (mine)
Theatre and curtain (paid private d/l)
3d Notre Dame Bicycle wheel (created by me)
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Saturday, January 15, 2011
AJC 2011 Itinerary- Week 3 - Verb of the Week and Simply Started

Verb of the Week: Travel

Friday, January 14, 2011
Too Many Late Nights Watching Ellery Queen Mysteries
When I saw Fifi's pages on the SBG site, I was inspired to go hunt out Clementine Designs, at DeviantScrap, download her Ladies and Gents kit and well..here is the result.
I call it: 'She Hated Opera, But Most Of All, She Hated That Hat (as well as Its Owner)

How did the Mysterious Lady in Red manage to cause the Chandelier to fall?
(Was she in cahoots with the Phantom?)
And what is the meaning of the Queen of Clubs? A call to Ellery Queen perhaps?
Blessings to those who like Late Night Mysteries.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
AJC 2011 My 1 WORD Canvas Creation
I Fought with the FLOCK (sticky back and intricate - good luck)
I Messed with ModPodge,
I Dried it with a Blowdryer and covered my mess with a light blue sharpie pen.
All in all, I had a great time creating this!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
AJC 2011 Itinerary - Week 2 - Simply Started: I Can
AJC 2011 Itinerary- Week 2 - Verb of the Week: Thrive
Thursday, January 6, 2011
AJC 2011 Itinerary- Week 1 - Simply Started: Simply Stated: I Want
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
AJC Adventure Quest:: 2011- 1 Word Dedication Page
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
AJC 2011 Itinerary -Week 1 - Verb of the Week: Process
Here t'is.

It reads as follows: P - Papers, R-Redo, O-Outfit and so on. (P.R.O.C.E.S.S.)
Monday, January 3, 2011
AJC Adventure Quest:: 2011 - 1 Word
Sunday, January 2, 2011
AJC Parcel 01 - MyWord - TopsyTurvy
Title: Searching 4 MyWord(s) & ReCreating My (lost) Wor(l)d(s)
1st View - Going There

Blessings on your journey
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Art Journal Caravan 2011 - First Assignments

It is a forum/group on Scrapbookgraphics where you join up for a year's membership and every Friday, you receive a new digital packet jam packed with supplies, papers, ephemera and inspiration.
This was my first Assignment for 2011

and took part in one of the last 2010 packet challenges: Aspire

2. Write a Letter to Yourself to be read weekly/monthly while on this Journey.
To The Journey!